Whose shoes do you fit in?

Click on the heroine who could be YOU!

Headstrong Miranda


... knows her own mind...
...will do anything for those she loves...
...is willing to attempt the impossible...

I'm just like Miranda! Take me to the Amazon store.

I'm just like Miranda! Take me to the iBooks store.

I'm just like Miranda! Take me to Barnes and Noble.

Determined Emily

... knows her heart...
...will do anything to marry the man she loves...
...will throw her reputation to the wind for love.

I'm just like Emily!

Bookish Hero


... has never met a book she didn't want to read...
...will do anything for a man who can never be hers...
...even leave the safety of her library for a quest across England.

I'm just like Hero!

Heartbreaker Juliet


... never met a man she couldn't conquer...
...hides ambition beneath a flirtatious nature...
...doesn't understand why she is so fascinated by the stuffy American who stands in her way.

I'm just like Juliet!

Reserved Helena


... seems so prim and proper...
...has been led astray by her heart once before...
...can help falling in love with a rake certain to break her heart.

I'm just like Helena!

Renegade Ros


... has never met a rule she didn't break...
...prefers trousers to skirts...
...will risk her life for a good cause.

I'm just like Rosaline!

Steadfast Kate


... loves hard and steadfastly...
...wants to be loved the same way in return...
...is willing to confront the man who ran away with her heart if that's the only way to find the truth.

I'm just like Kate!

Loyal Betsey


... knows a governess' daughter can never marry a lord...
...feels to a faraway shore to make her own future...
...doesn't expect him to follow her.

I'm just like Betsey!