Procrastination Interruptus
I am a procrastinator extraordinaire. I’m not proud of the fact, but I am realistic. Do you procrastinate? Or do you “just do it” as Nike advises?
I envy the Nike-like folks.
Happily, I’m interrupting my normal procrastination with exciting news for you.
You will get the gigantic, stupendous news on July 20th.
What? I have to wait?
Yes. You do.
Because I procrastinated so much that there’s a lot of little news to lead up to the stupendous news.
Like the pre-game show, you will be entertained by the little news while you wait for the big news.
Today’s little news:
The Fairy Tale Bride has a new look. Isn’t it gorgeous?
Yes. But why the change?
I have heard from my authorpreneur colleagues that covers rule, and like fashion in general, need freshening every so often.
But the old cover was so pretty!
Yes it was.
But I had another reason to stop procrastinating and start freshening the face of the Once Upon a Wedding series.
Which you will learn on the 20th…
You are evil! I can’t wait until the 20th!!
I don’t want to be evil. But I don’t want to clump all the news together in one big lump. So, little news every day, and then the big news on the 20th.
Will it help if I remind you that The Fairy Tale Bride is free on the retail sites? Just in case you haven’t read it yet.
Get it on iBooks
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Until tomorrow!
Nothing like a little tittalation and intrigue to whet the readers appetite for more!
Thanks, Penelope! That’s what I’m hoping.